BGC Okanagan – Kelowna Area
General Inquires
Phone: 250.762.3914
Rutland Inquires
Phone: 250.765.3345
Social Media:
BGC Okanagan Youth
BGC Okanagan – Martin Ave
BGC Okanagan – Rutland
Ages 0-5 Programs
Infant Toddler Daycare
We provide children under the age of 3, with a safe environment designed specifically for babies and toddlers. We believe that children learn best by exploring the world, and interacting with adults and peers. We focus on the unique learning abilities of babies and toddlers and our educators plan appropriate activities ensuring lots of exploration. Creative exploration and interaction help to promote social and emotional development, language, cognitive, gross and fine motor skills.
Infant Toddler Daycare & Location Details
Infant Toddler Daycare
Our program offers quiet and active play both inside and outdoors. We pair each child a primary caregiver to promote the caring one on one relationship that helps babies thrive. Our Educators learn to respond to child’s unique temperament, needs and interests by being the one who almost always diapers, feeds, puts them to sleep and communicates with family. We follow daily routines to bond with babies, and provide cognitive stimulation through conversation, interaction and responsive relationships. Our dedicated Early Childhood Educators connect each family’s unique diverse strength, and maintain relationships based on mutual trust, openness and respect. Communication is vital and we encourage two-way dialogue between parents and educators. To support quality in our programs we invest in our educators and provide professional learning opportunities and encourage reflective practice.
Cameron Park 2337 Richter Street Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm Infant – 5 Years of Age |
Anne McClymont Club 568 Eldorado Road |
North Glenmore Club 131 Snowsell St. North Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm Infant – 3 Years of Age For info: |
We believe in the importance of the whole child and create a space where children aged 3-5 years feel safe and secure. We strive to help each child reach their full potential by giving many opportunities to explore, discover, PLAY and experience meaningful activities and events in a rich, nurturing, and high quality Early Learning environment.
Daycare & Location Details
We view all children as individuals who bring their own unique ideas, learning styles, and are competent, capable and curious.
We support all aspects of a child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development and we strive for each child to experience a sense of belonging and inclusion.
Our dedicated Early Childhood Educators connect each family’s unique diverse strength, and maintain relationships based on mutual trust, openness and respect. Communication is vital and we encourage two-way dialogue between parents and educators.
To support quality in our programs we invest in our educators and provide professional learning opportunities and encourage reflective practise.
Martin Ave 1434 Graham Street Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm 3 – 5 Years of Age |
Cameron Park 2337 Richter Street Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm 3 – 5 Years of Age |
Anne McClymont Club 568 Eldorado Road Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm 3 – 5 Years of Age |
Our Preschool programs for children aged 3-5 years are designed to celebrate each child’s unique learning style. We believe in the importance of the whole child and create a space where children feel safe and secure. PLAY, exploring, discovering, and experiencing meaningful activities in a rich, nurturing, and high quality Early Learning environment are vital to support children to reach their full potential and develop confidence for life.
Preschool Location Details
Our program provides activities to promote all aspects of a child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development. We strive for each child to experience a sense of belonging and inclusion.
Our dedicated Early Childhood Educators connect each family’s unique diverse strength, and maintain relationships based on mutual trust, openness and respect. Communication is vital and we encourage two-way dialogue between parents and educators.
To support quality in our programs we invest in our educators and provide professional learning opportunities and encourage reflective practise.
North Glenmore Club |
Ages 5-12 Programs
After School Programs
BGC Okanagan After School Programs are the best place for children to be after the school bell. For 60 years we have been providing programs to children and we know what kids love to do! Children will be provided time to play outside, sports, games, creative arts, a daily nutritional snack, and fun leisure activities. Our staff develop a special, caring relationship with each child, encouraging them to explore areas of interest, create new friendships, and develop their personal growth.
dAfter School Programs & Location Details
After School Programs
After school programs emphasize a sense of belonging, help make positive choices, learn healthy behaviours and build on a child’s strengths encouraging them to reach their potential. Parents often comment that they “trust our staff in caring for their children.” We understand the importance of physical health, social and emotional development, learning, and allowing kids to be themselves in a supportive, safe place where they are encouraged to explore, try new activities, and have a lot FUN!
Martin Ave Club 1434 Graham St Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:30pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
Cedar Creek 5160 Chute Lake Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:00pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
The Club at North Glenmore 131 Snowsell Street North Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:30pm 5 – 12 Years of Age Info: |
The Club at A.S. Matheson Elementary 2090 Gordon Drive Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:30pm 5 – 12 Years of Age Info: |
Rutland 355 Hartman Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:00pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
Rutland-Pearson Road 700 Pearson Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:00pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
Spring Valley 470 Ziprick Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:00pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
South Rutland Elementary 200 Mallach Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:00pm 5 – 12 Years of Age |
Anne McClymont Club 568 Eldorado Road Monday – Friday School Dismissal – 6:30pm 5 – 12 Years of Age Info: |
Recreation Programs
Recreation programs are for members aged 5 (must be in kindergarten) to 14 years of age who want to come out to the Club and take part in a wide variety of activities that are planned around BGC Canada Core programming areas. Opportunities to develop friendships, and connect with positive role models, allows children to find a place where they belong, are cared about and where they can learn new skills. Activities create a safe and fun way for kids to spend their time during the after school hours, weekends and evenings.
Recreation Programs & Location Details
Recreation Programs
Each Club location offers recreation programs to meet the community needs. Each community location will offer monthly calendars describing the specific activities that can be located on our facebook pages and at the service locations. Examples include activities such as community field trips, sports, BGC Canada clubs programs, life skills, creative arts, leadership and learning.
The Recreation program is open year round at various times based on program offerings. See service location for monthly calendars for specific times and dates.
Parents are responsible for a yearly membership and program fees. Program fees will vary dependent on the program. Financial Subsidies or Canadian Tire Jumpstart funding may be available for eligible families.
Rutland 355 Hartman Road Time and Date varies quarterly and monthly 5 – 14 Years of Age |
Martin Ave |
Find more info on what your Club is offering by clicking here
Youth Programs
Upstream Kelowna
Upstream – Kelowna is a preventative approach to youth homelessness and school disengagement.
Upstream Kelowna
Upstream Kelowna
Upstream Kelowna is a preventative approach to youth homelessness and school disengagement. It uses a locally adapted, universal screening tool to identify school aged youth who may be flying under the radar. The confidential Student Needs Assessment identifies risk before crisis hits. The student and their family is then connected to a variety of supports based on their needs and aimed at building resilience and overall well-being.
Upstream was named one of Kelowna’s top 10 essential action plans to end homelessness (Journey Home, 2018), and is one of two pilot programs running in Canada – the other is in Newfoundland. The BGC Okanagan was selected by the community to lead the project due to our expertise with youth homelessness. BGC Okanagan is investing efforts further upstream than the emergency shelter point with hopes to prevent homelessness from occurring in the first place.
BGC Okanagan and A Way Home Kelowna joined a community of practice with A Way Home Canada, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and Choices for Youth, Newfoundland. Together, we committed to running the program in line with the National model (Upstream Canada) and participate in research practices that would allow everyone to learn how to best run the project.
Upstream Canada is an adaptation of work that originated in Australia as The Geelong Project (since renamed Upstream Australia), which has demonstrated a 40% reduction in youth homelessness and 20% reduction in school drop-out rates.
As the lead community-based organization, BGC Okanagan is responsible for convening local stakeholders and implementing this collective impact project. Some services that are offered to youth and families include family mediation, systems navigation, mental health, addictions, and life skills.
Link to more on Upstream Kelowna: Upstream Kelowna recognized with Youth Homelessness Prevention Award
Current local service partners allied with Upstream Kelowna:
- BGC Okanagan
- Arc Programs
- The Bridge Youth and Family Services
- The Foundry
- School District 23
- Upstream has the potential to have far-reaching impacts as we expand across communities and school districts. The evidence gained through this project will help our community identify gaps in services, opportunities for improvement and advocacy, as well as open doors for reducing stigma and raising awareness.For further information on the Upstream Canada Model, please visit:
For any inquiries on how to participate, or to learn more, please reach out to Philippa Putlitz – Upstream Program Coordinator:
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm 13 – 18 Years of Age |
Contact Email Address: |
Youth Recreation
In our after-school and evening drop-in programs, youth are emotionally and physically safe, welcomed, accepted, valued, respected and encouraged to explore new opportunities and build positive relationships with like-minded peers.
Youth Recreation
Youth Recreation
Positive adult mentors guided by the Clubs’ core values build self-esteem and encourage healthy relationships while instilling the importance of mutual respect, teamwork and being socially responsible. While youth may just need a safe and supportive place to “hang out”, we also offer recreational opportunities, games, creative arts and special events.
Our programs are accessible, affordable and address community needs. Youth can be referred to other supports within BGC Okanagan as needed.
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday – Friday 3pm to 8pm 13 – 18 Years of Age |
Contact Youth Services Manager: Bethlyn Klassen Phone Number: 778-214-4131 Email Address: |
Reconnect Counselors work with youth ages 13 – 18 and their families. Supports available through Reconnect are adaptable; occur one-to-one, in group and by referral; on site and in the community.
Reconnect Program & Location Details
Reconnect Counselors work with youth ages 13 – 18 and their families. Supports available through Reconnect are adaptable; occur one-to-one, in a group and by referral; on-site and in the community. Supports range from:
Prevention work that can ‘turn off the tap’ to youth homelessness while youth are still in their home:
- Strengthening families
- Caregiver-teen mediation
- Identifying risk early
- Building resilience
Reducing risk and enhancing protective factors:
- Developing coping skills
- Brief Intervention Counseling
- Navigating health systems and community resources
- One on one support and counseling
- Developing parent skill set
- Collaborative and Proactive Solutions
- Parent-teen mediation
- Referrals to community supports and services
- Parents Together parenting program
Crisis intervention and supports
- Safety planning
- Shelter diversion
- Harm reduction
- Advocacy
- Access to housing and income support
- Access to health interventions
- Street outreach
While Reconnect is an excellent program to support families in crisis, it is equally important to refer families who haven’t had a breakdown yet, but are at risk of one.
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm 13 – 18 Years of Age |
Restorative Justice
The BGC Okanagan Youth Restorative Justice Program is an approach that seeks to repair harm caused by a youth’s actions, through reconciliation with the person harmed and others affected. To achieve this, the youth must take responsibility for their actions and voluntarily agree to participate in the program.
Restorative Justice & Location Details
Restorative Justice
Through the guidance of trained staff and volunteers; the youth, their guardian, the person(s) harmed and other supports discuss the effects of the youth’s actions and how to repair the harm done. The person harmed by crime often feels excluded from the criminal justice process, which focuses on what laws were broken, who is to blame and how the offender should be punished. The needs of the person harmed are not always addressed and their voices may never be heard.
One benefit to the Restorative Justice Program is that the person harmed gets an opportunity to tell their story, express how they were harmed and address the youth. This allows the person harmed to voice their concerns and give input into the solutions. The restorative justice process allows the root cause of the offence to be addressed by providing relevant, realistic and restorative solutions to repairing the harm.
These solutions are individualized and can include, participating in skill-based programming, repairing property damage, writing an apology letter, completing volunteer hours, attending counselling, etc. Referrals are received through RCMP, loss prevention, Bylaw, community members and BGC Okanagan, for youth ages 12-24 years. This program serves Lake Country, Kelowna, West Kelowna, and Peachland.
When asked what was most helpful about the restorative justice process here is what some participants had to say:
• “How caring and understanding the facilitators were towards me, especially with my feelings and emotions.” – Youth
• “That they are going to get him the help he needs.” – Supporter
• “The understanding and comfortable atmosphere, good facilitators.” – Guardian
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm 12 – 24 Years of Age |
Contact Email Address: |
Outreach Mental Health Program
The Outreach Mental Health Program is designed for youths 12-18 years old who are unable or unwilling to access traditional mental health services, and their families. Outreach Mental Health services are by referral from Child and Youth Mental Health or from an Outreach Counsellor through BGC Okanagan such as the Reconnect Counsellors or the Housing First Case Manager.
Outreach Mental Health & Location Details
Outreach Mental Health
The services are adaptable and occur one on one or in group; both on site and in the community. The service is Relationship based, Trauma Informed, Strengths based and includes Families and Natural Supports focusing on developing and enhancing coping skills and strategies. Crisis Management skills, Relationship and Communication skills, Mood Management skills and Mindfulness strategies as well as Safety Planning, Harm Reduction Education and System Navigation are also available through this program.
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday – Friday Flexible Hours 12 – 18 Years of Age |
Contact Phone Number: 250-868-8541 |
Life Skills Program
Life Skills Program – The Power of Me! – Focusing on the age group 13-18 years, youth with support needs have the opportunity to learn vital skills associated with living alone or semi independently, preparing them for the future as an adult. This program blends daily living, personal/social and work related skills into integrated fun lessons designed to increase self-confidence. Program occurs weekly on Thursdays during the school year. Participants must be referred by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Life Skills Program & Location Details
Life Skills Program
Martin Avenue Community Centre (MACC) 1434 Graham Street Monday – Friday 2:00pm to 6:00pm 13 – 18 Years of Age |
BGC Okanagan are a Reunite Affiliate.
Reunite assists runaway youth to reconnect with their families across Canada. If home is not an option, we work with the youth and agencies in that city to find an alternative solution. In order to be eligible, a youth must be between 16-19 years of age and must have run away from home. After a successful reunite is made, we will conduct a one-month follow up with the family and offer any assistance needed at that time.
Reunited Program & Location Details
In partnership with the Canadian Bus Association and Greyhound Canada, Operation Come Home is able to help runaway youth. Greyhound Canada provides 125 one way tickets per year to help these youth travel home safely to their families.
If you are or know, a homeless youth who could live with family in another part of Canada, BGC Okanagan Reconnect program can help.
Operation Come Home 16 – 19 Years of Age |
Contact Phone Number: 250.868.8541 x 215 |
Family Programs
Program for Children and Teens with Support Needs
Delivered in Clubs and in the community, BGC Okanagan programs for children and teens with support needs are designed to provide recreation and socialization experiences that promote physical, social and emotional learning, and teach life skills and independence. These programs embrace the principals of equality and inclusion, with a focus on the strengths and capabilities of the individual.
Program for Children and Teens with Support Needs & Location Details
Program for Children and Teens with Support Needs
Program Streams
The Direct Support Stream provides service to children who need more support integrating into programs with an individual worker. Depending on the needs of the children workers may work 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3.
The Club Support Stream focuses on assisting children with support needs in fully integrating into BGC Okanagan programs and assists existing staff with children who are eligible for CYSN services.
The Community Support Stream assists children with support needs in participating in extracurricular activities outside of their home or the BGC Okanagan setting. This could include: sports, after school activities (ie. Yearbook clubs, employment, etc.). Transportation is provided to and from activities.
The Life Skills Program Stream provides youth ages 13-18 the opportunity to learn vital skills associated with living alone or semi independently, preparing them for the future as an adult. The Life Skills program blends daily living, personal/social and work related skills into integrated fun lessons designed to increase self- confidence and build important community connections.
Program hours
Our programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of families. Program times and frequency can be tailored to meet the needs of each family.
To be eligible for the program the following criteria must be met:
• Children must be referred to the program through MCFD.
• Children referred are between the ages of 5 – 19
• Children live within the Central Okanagan
For more information on our programs for children and teens with support needs contact your nearest Club location:
West Kelowna – 250-768-3049
Kelowna – 250-762-3914
Rutland – 250-765-3345
Parents in the Know
A 10-week program designed to support parents and caregivers in navigating the challenges of parenting teens. Through group discussions and expert guidance, participants will enhance communication skills, set healthy boundaries, and strengthen family relationships while addressing common parenting concerns.
Parents in the Know program details
Parents in the Know
Duration: 10 weeks
Time Commitment: 2 hours/week
Dates: Wednesdays – April 2 to June 4
Times: 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Downtown Library (1380 Ellis St. Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2A2)
For more information contact: McKenzie McFarlane (250) 718-2473
Parents Together
A support group for parents and caregivers raising teens or pre-teens facing behavioural, emotional, or mental health challenges. This program offers a safe space to share experiences, gain practical strategies, and connect with others navigating similar situations. Facilitated by trained professionals, Parents Together focuses on skill-building, improving family communication, and fostering resilience for parents and teens alike.
Parents Together program details
Parents Together
Duration: Ongoing
Time Commitment: 2 hours/week
Dates: Thursdays
Times: 5:15pm to 7:15pm
Location: Westside Learning Lab (at the Okanagan Regional Library – 525, Unit #216, BC-97, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 4C9)
For more info contact: McKenzie McFarlane (250) 718-2473
Community Kitchen
Community Kitchen is a program that allows families to cook together once a month on Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and prepare four meals that are healthy and nutritious for their family at a minimal cost. The goals of the program are to educate parents about basic healthy food preparation through demonstration and hands on cooking. In turn, the parents learn to prepare meals on their own that are affordable, easy to prepare and are nutritious. A facilitator coordinates all the necessary supplies and food needed to cook the meals.
Community Kitchen Details
Community Kitchen
Kelowna – Martin Ave. 1434 Graham Street Date Varies 9:30am to 12:30pm Age: Families |
Contact |
Parent & Tot Programs
Our drop-in program offers a variety of early learning activities for children (ages 0-5) to explore, create, imagine, play, and build friendships, all while supporting healthy child development. This is also a great opportunity for parents, grandparents, and caregivers to connect with others in the community. Nannies and other caregivers are welcome!
Parent and Tot Programs Details & Locations
Parent and Tot Programs
We provide a friendly, welcoming environment at various community locations where:
• Children can play, make new friends, and enjoy a healthy, nutritious snack.
• Parents and caregivers can find support and resources related to parenting, child development, early literacy, and the health and safety of young children.
Kelowna – Martin Ave 1434 Graham Street Tuesdays from 9am-1pm 0 – 5 Years of Age |
Contact Email Address: |
Family Support Program
The Family Support Program provides help to families in need whose children may be at risk of being placed in the care of the Ministry of Children and Families Development. This specialized family support program provides intensive in home family support services and counseling to high need, high-risk families normally referred to the program from the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). This service is flexible to the needs of the families in the community. Referrals are accepted only through MCFD.
Keeping Families Together Details & Locations
Family Support Program
Kelowna – Downtown Youth Centre 1633 Richter Street Monday to Friday | |
Foster Parent Support
BGC Okanagan Foster Parent Support program provides direct, outreach-oriented support to foster caregivers and the children/youth in their care. Foster families can expect that the support workers will work directly with the family in their home, in the community or via phone. This program is intended to be flexible in meeting the unique needs of each foster family served and can offer a variety of supports including teaching conflict resolution skills, de-escalation techniques, collaborative problem solving and using strength based and trauma informed approaches.
Foster Parent Support Details & Locations
Foster Parent Support
BGC Okanagan Foster Parent Support program provides direct, outreach-oriented support to foster caregivers and the children/youth in their care. Foster families can expect that the support workers will work directly with the family in their home, in the community or via phone. This program is intended to be flexible in meeting the unique needs of each foster family served and can offer a variety of supports including teaching conflict resolution skills, de-escalation techniques, collaborative problem solving and using strength based and trauma informed approaches.
Participants of the program have had this to say about their experience:
“The Support Worker does wonders for me, in a five minute call he can totally change my perspective on things. A Miracle worker he is.”- Foster Caregiver
Kelowna |
Contact Program Director: Alicia Curry 250-258-4322 |